Diabetes Care Specialist Ventura, CA

Diabetes Shoppe - Your partner in Diabetes Care

One of the primary services we offer at College Care is that of Diabetes Care. Diabetes is one of the more common diseases within the United States, the treatment of which is important in order to maintain your health. Anyone that has Diabetes understands that keeping complete track of your blood glucose levels is absolutely essential. In order to do this properly, you must have a number of supplies and medical equipment. Because of the fact that these supplies can be exceedingly expensive, we accept most forms of insurance. This way, there’s a high chance that most of the cost can be taken on by the insurance provider instead of you. However, if you haven’t been diagnosed with Diabetes until now, we understand that this can be a difficult transition to deal with, which is why it’s important to set up a consultation with us so that we can better identify your blood glucose levels and help you to identify what sort of lifestyle changes you should consider making.